Treasuring Our Huntington Memories

Michael Lorenz and Paulette Toumazos

Michael Lorenz and Paulette Toumazos

By Paulette Toumazos

My first visit to The Huntington was as a junior in high school more than 50 years ago, and the impressions still remain vivid. It’s hard to explain the impact of seeing fine art in an historical home, especially The Blue Boy and Pinkie. There was also the wonder of the library, in particular the Gutenberg Bible and Poor Richard’s Almanack. And then there was the quiet beauty of the Japanese Garden and all of the meticulously manicured grounds.

Over the years, The Huntington has remained an inspiring and magical place. Since that first time, I have enjoyed countless visits, plant sales, lectures, special exhibits, as well as 10+ years of tai chi sessions in the Chinese Garden. When my niece was a young child, we delighted in sharing the children’s programs on Saturday, learning so many different things. One of her first memories of baking was making bread during one of the Saturday workshops and now, as a young woman and newlywed, she is passionate about baking.

The Huntington has definitely added a richness to my life, and I believe it is so important that the future growth and outreach of the institution be sustained.

My husband and I are delighted to be a part of the Heritage Society as well as the Society of Fellows—it brings us joy to support a place that has made so many happy memories possible for us.

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